One of spring’s
gifts here in the northeast is the return and presence of the birds. First the red-winged blackbirds call out
their territorial presence in the marshes and wetlands. Soon after, the robins
return, often before the snow has melted, to hop about the cold ground in
search of a meal. The partridges beat
their wings to drum a call in hopes of attracting a mate and the white-throated
sparrows call out their song from the tips of the tall spruce trees in the
The call I listen for, which touches my spirit, with its melodious piping tune is the wood thrush, a shy bird of the forest that sings early, early morning and later in the day. A pure delight to hear. I wonder at the connection of the birdsong and early spring wildflowers~ and like to believe that the songs wake the woodland ephemerals and trees encouraging their flowering.
Last weekend I
visited a dear friend in western Massachusetts ~a gifted and dedicated gardener
and artist who has created such beauty on her land. As we wandered the gardens
I saw an elder shrub that was blooming weeks earlier than I would expect.
Coming closer to investigate, I discovered Robin’s eggs gently cradled in a
woven nest of grass, tucked into its branches. Holding the promise of life, the
rich vibrant turquoise color stunned me in its beauty. Nature herself paints
with a rich palette and sings through our winged friends. Perhaps we also are awakened
by birdsong and color in the flowers, reawakening to a season of life and
beauty! Enjoy!